Approximately 37 1/2 inches long. This includes a 3 1/2 inch extension, which allows extra material to either trim or hammer form to original torque box.
Attachment reinforcements and nuts are attached for your convenience.
The main portion of your TJ body is connected to the frame via floor support "torque boxes" which follow the lower outer edge of your jeep body from front to rear. There are 3 frame-to-body attachment points per side which secure your body to the frame via the torque support boxes.
The bad news...The support boxes are notorious for rusting out and turning into brown flakes which can cause all kinds of structural and safety issues. (Note that usually only the last 30 inches of the torque boxes go bad.)
Now for the good news!! We now reproduce a quality repair clip as a cure for the aforementioned problem. Our properly gauged torque box clip is approximately 37 1/2 inches long as measured from the rear forward. We have extended the box an extra 3 1/2 inches forward of the standard 34 inch mark so that you will have extra material to either trim off or hammer form to fit the curved forward areas of the torque box if necessary.

Above pictures are of top and bottom view of both the driver and passenger clip.